Monday, March 28, 2011

Natural Cure for Eczema

Prescribed medications don't provide cure for eczema, they only suppress the symptoms and burden already weak immune system. In this article I will give a list of effective natural remedies to cure itching, pain and and dryness caused by eczema. I will also give a solid eczema treatment plan for achieving long lasting results by eliminating the root cause of eczema.

What causes eczema?

Latest studies indicate that eczema is the result of abnormal functioning of the immune system, combined with genetically weak skin barrier. Eczema is usually triggered by eating specific foods or getting in touch with external allergens and pathogens that break through the weak skin barrier. Eczema usually gets worse when environmental conditions suddenly change (temperature, humidity) and the immune system gets weakened by stress and poor nutrition. The fact that eczema is most common in babies and young children (with not yet fully developed immune system) also suggests that immune system plays a key role in eczema occurrences. Our immune system relies on our genes, environment, lifestyle and nutrition. We can not change our genes, but we can influence all the other factors to boost our immune system. Building up a strong immune system is the only permanent cure for eczema that provides long lasting results and an eczema-free life!

Permanent cure for eczema (strengthening the body from within):

There are no miracle medicines or creams that will permanently cure eczema without your effort. Long lasting results require changes in your lifestyle. At first glance, the following plan may seem to be hard to be integrated into your everyday life, but if you do it step by step, you will succeed. Keep in mind the main goal - strong immune system. It is not only the real cure for eczema but it will also provide you with resistance against majority of diseases.
  1. Avoid any stress to your skin and eliminate foods you are allergic to.

    • Determine and avoid any foods and allergens that cause eczema to kick in.
    • Keep your skin away from dry water.
    • No scratching - it will irritate and damage your skin even more.
    • Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
    • Avoid too much sweating or getting overheated.
    • Use clothes made of cotton.
  2. Use the "quick cure for eczema" methods above to keep your eczema under control.(View on the website)

  3. Build up a strong immune system.

    • Avoid stress whenever possible. Stress is the silent immune system killer. Relax and enjoy life!
    • Walk or jog in fresh air at least 1.5 hours a day.
    • Go to bed no later than 10pm and get up earlier in the morning. It is part of the normal life cycle that people have forgotten. Athletes know that our body rebuilds itself and grows during certain sleep phases. You will be amazed how much more energy you will have when going to bed at right time regularly. Staying up late at night is one of the worst things you can do to your immune system.
    • Take at least two 10 minute breaks during the day - lay down and relax, forget all the troubles, meditate. Visualize your eczema fading away.
    • Clean your colon, detox your liver and kidneys.

      • Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of non-carbonated bottled water a day to flush out the toxins and hydrate the cells.
      • Take Artichoke capsules 20 minutes before meals with a glass of water to increase bile flow (helps do digest food and remove toxins with bile)
      • Consume foods and juices rich in antioxidants (Selenium, Zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, bioflavonoids) - all fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea, blueberries, raspberries.
      • Consume soluble fiber with meals - oats, bran, nuts, oranges, apples, carrots, psyllium husk. Soluble fiber reduces LDL cholesterol and regulates blood sugar.
      • Consume insoluble fiber with meals - seeds, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables and whole wheat products. Insoluble fiber promotes regular bowel movement, prevents constipation and removes toxic wastes through colon in less time.
      • You need to consume enough proteins and Omega 3 fatty acid rich foods to detox your body, antioxidants won't do the job alone.
    • Restore the microflora in your gut by consuming foods and supplements containing beneficial bacteria. Your intestinal lining and microflora is your "inner skin" that protects you from harmful pathogens, helps you digest food and absorb nutrients.

      • Eat Sauerkraut (self made is the best) - it will not only provide you with active beneficial bacteria but will give you quick overall energy boost.
      • Drink a glass of kefir (self made is the best) twice a day. You can also apply kefir externally on your eczema to soothe it.
      • Take probiotic supplements on empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed. You need to experiment, not all supplements work the same for everyone.
      Notice: During the first week, building up your microfolora can sometimes trigger die off of pathogens and bad bacteria. Symptoms may include dizziness, bloating, low fever. They usually disappear in 4 days. If the symptoms are too severe reduce the amount of probiotics taken.

    Read more here. 

    My daughter recently had the worse eczema outbreak she has ever had and it is gradually getting worse. It started on the fold of both arms and was also below her lip, but has spread around the vicinity of her mouth and on her right eye.  I have been looking on-line for remedies and found a few that will hopefully provide relief and Lord willing get rid of it altogether. I will be applying ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar) twice daily to alleviate the itch. I also have a blend of oils that I put together that is helping to heal her irritated skin. I will also be using EMUgency spray to help with the itch once I get it in the mail along with Earth Mama Nipple Butter. A friend of mine mentioned how she had used nipple cream on her daughters chapped lips and how it worked within a short time to restore her skin. I thought I'd give it a try and hope that it'll work for my daughters eczema. I have already made changes to her diet so I hope to see some changes soon. She is not handling her diet change or her flare ups too well. She broke down in tears at the grocery store today. I believe we will see some progress within the next few weeks but in the mean time remember us in your prayers. Thank you!

    Eleny :-)


Asthma Cure said...

The best natural treatment for eczema is an emollient. An emollient comes in many forms including a cream, lotion, or oil. Find the one that you enjoy the feel of or use them interchangeably.

Eleny said...

Thank you. I have read that castor oil is a great emollient and works wonders when applied topically. I plan on using the packs on her soon.

komal said...

Keep baby skin always moisturized. This is the first step in eczema treatment. Infant skin absorbs and loses moisture at a faster pace. If you buy some baby moisturizers then check that vitamin E, olive oil extract and all essential minerals are listed in that ingredients. Avoid any harsh cleanser or soap and make sure that your baby getting plenty of water to get moisture form the inside as well as outside. There are more natural eczema remedies those are very helpful.

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