Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to Fight Candida Yeast Infections Naturally

(NaturalNews) A yeast-like fungus, Candida albicans usually lives in the intestines along with many other microorganisms known as intestinal flora. If these microorganisms are not carefully balanced, Candida can multiply unchecked, causing infection. The taking of antibiotics, steroids, a diet high in yeast-containing foods, alcohol and refined carbohydrates can affect the delicate balance of intestinal flora. Prevent and treat Candida the natural way to restore and maintain health.

Also called thrush or yeast infection, a serious Candida infection can cause various symptoms including fatigue, headaches, poor digestion, flatulence and general feelings of malaise.

In women, in the vagina, it causes a white, thick discharge often accompanied by itching and soreness. Oral thrush causes sore, yellowish patches in the mouth and on the tongue.

Tips to Prevent Candida

Cut out refined sugar and foods containing refined carbohydrates. Reduce intake of foods containing natural sugars such as milk, fruit and wine, since Candida thrives on sugar.

Candida fighting foods include plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures, leafy green vegetables, garlic and olive oil. The bacteria in yogurt help to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the intestines. Other items on the menu should comprise mainly of a vegetable rich diet and carbohydrates in the form of whole grain cereals, nuts and seeds. Eat two or three freshly chopped garlic cloves daily.

As far as vaginal Candida goes, be sure to keep the genital area clean. However, avoid very hot baths or showers. Do not use bubble bath products or soap bars with fragrances and/or emulsifiers or anything that might irritate the skin. Use a plain, mild, non perfumed soap. Be sure to wear cotton underwear rather than synthetic fiber underwear.

Herbal Remedies and Aromatherapy to Fight Candida

Echinacea and grapefruit seed extract are known herbal remedies to inhibit the growth of intestinal Candida. Adding a few drops of lavender, thyme or tea tree essential oil to a warm bath can help to cure vaginal yeast infections and ease discomfort, since these oils are known for their anti-fungal properties.

If a Candida infection does not clear up after a few days, if a mouth infection starts developing or the condition worsens, make an appointment to see a professional homeopath for further analysis and treatment. When it comes to herbal remedies, stick to recommended doses and do not mix herbal remedies in combination with conventional treatments without the approval of a homeopath.

By: Fleur Hupston, citizen journalist, at Natural News.

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