Friday, August 19, 2011

DiaWhat?!?! Diatomaceuos Earth. Have you heard of it?

Neither have I until today. Maybe you have heard about it and had no problems pronouncing the name. It is new to me and I am looking forward to ordering some. 

Below is an excerpt of some of the heath benefits when taken for human consumption.

Health benefits of D.E. only begin with colon detoxification. Other benefits of Diatomaceous Earth can be organized around three principles: over-all health; anti-aging; weight loss.

Over-All Health Benefits:

-helps repair and maintain vital lung tissues and protects them from pollution
-lowers high blood pressure
-lowers high cholesterol
-addresses osteoporosis?& joint problems
-acts as a cough decreasing agent; tones the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx)
and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic system
-helps to prevent many unwanted side-effects of menopause?
-helps to prevent kidney stones
-heals infections of the urinary tract; is a natural diuretic which can increase excretion of
urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the water-excreting system and restoring normal
function to these vital organs
-effective with female discharge, abscesses and ulcers in the genital area and cervix, as well
as mastitis (especially for breast feeding mothers).
-acts as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear (effective in reducing
swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat)
-has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects
-normalizes circulation and regulates high blood pressure (hypertension)
-decreases vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) and insomnia
-promotes synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas, thus helping to normalize diabetes
-strengthens blood vessels
-helps to prevent Tuberculosis.
-improves the elasticity of the joints; helps rheumatism
-stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels

Weight Loss:

One of the benefits of silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. Taken in the morning, it helps to curb appetite throughout the day.


Hair (90 micrograms per gram) needs almost as much silica as bone (100 micrograms per gram). Eating D.E., with its rich supply of silica, should be part of any ongoing hair revitalization program. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.

Learn more here 
View video here.
Find out more or purchase product here

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