Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Toxic chemotherapy

Cartoon by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

What is chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy agents are derived from highly toxic mustard gas chemicals used as chemical weapons in World War I (

They are so toxic that pharmacists are getting cancer just from handling them.

The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is cancer. But it also causes "chemo brain" (the destruction of brain cells) and damages the liver and kidneys.

In choosing chemotherapy and radiation, Michael Douglas has bet his life on the illusion that conventional medicine is telling the truth about cancer. But the industry is actually lying to us all. Cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry that preys upon the nutritional ignorance of the public while turning human beings into profit machines by promising them "treatments" that only worsen their health.

What cancer docs won't tell you

While it's true that radiation and chemotherapy can shrink throat cancer tumors, that alone isn't enough to restore a person to true health. Following any such cancer treatments, patient should be strongly encouraged to get more vitamin D, consume anti-cancer nutrients and even take nutritional supplements that can boost their immune function.

Sadly, oncologists are currently telling their patients none of these things. In fact, many cancer doctors insist that their patients avoid taking antioxidants, medicinal mushrooms or any source of antioxidants, claiming they might "interfere" with the chemotherapy.

In this way, oncologists doom their patients to pain, suffering and often death. That's why chemotherapy is often called "physician-assisted suicide." It's a way to kill yourself while enriching the drug companies that manufacture chemotherapy agents.

Read the full article written by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of Natural News here.

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