Saturday, February 12, 2011

To Be Protected

         Depending on the camp you choose to rally behind your ideology of protection against disease will vary greatly. If you believe solely in the modern medical system then to live without immunization and seasonal bouts of the common or expected diseases would be synonymous with playing Russian roulette. However, I pose the question of what is the basis of contracting disease in the first place? If you raised your hand and said the state of your immune system, than pat yourself on the back. If you didn’t realize the connection then it is not a problem, just buckle up and enjoy the ride.
The Ground
         A lot of emphasis is placed on vaccinations, whether it be for or against, however the thing that matters the most is the state of individual health. Although, that depends greatly on what your diet is on a daily basis. When I say diet I am not talking about the occasional diversion from the normal way that you eat to obtain some weight goal that is jeopardized days or weeks later by the abandoning of the diet that was attempted to achieve it in the first place. Diet really is a lifestyle and can also be a fleeting moment that lasts as long as you will put up with it. Alright, so to put it in simple terms if your daily diet consisted of foods that are nutritionally complete, meaning they have all or an abundance of the minerals and vitamins that they were meant to have then your body will have the same. Here is a little tip, if the soil is depleted that the food is grown in or the animals graze from, then just as you guessed it, it isn’t there when you digest it. In the summer of 2009 a French Government project yielded from their researchers that compared with non-organically produced crops, organic plant products tend to have more dry matter, more minerals like iron and magnesium, which are critical for calcium uptake, and more antioxidant micro nutrients such as phenols and resveratrol (LaSalle, 2010). It also was recorded that between the years of 1940 to 1991 that in the UK and US statistics yielded a 28% to 76% reduction in the levels of trace minerals in non-organic fruit and vegetables (LaSalle, 2010). Isn’t that just plain wrong to force the digestive system to output so much energy only to return no reward for its hard work? I don’t know of anyone who would willfully invest money into anything that they knew would result in a yield of zero or even close to zero. I emphasize willfully because without knowing it a diet full of processed foods, filled with chemicals and lab concocted vegetables grown in dead soil and etc… results in a weakened body unfit for dealing with external and internal threats that it has to handle on a daily basis. 
By My Husband Julian
Read the full article here

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