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...Cancer patients cured by chemotherapy? Zero
There is not a single cancer patient that has ever been cured by chemotherapy. Zero. They don't exist. Not a single documented case in the history of western medicine.And why is that? Because conventional medicine operates from the false belief that there is no cure for cancer! Thus, anyone offering a cure (or assisting in the body's own natural reversal of the disease) is immediately dismissed as a quack. Meanwhile, the real quackery is found in the pushing of toxic chemotherapy chemicals that are injected into the bodies of patients and called "treatment" when they should really be called "torture." (Nancy Pelosi, by the way, was never briefed on the fact that chemotherapy is torture...)
What's most disturbing in all of this, of course, is that the state is now forcing parents to poison their own children, requiring they hand over money to Big Pharma and conventional cancer treatment centers. The concept of freedom of choiceprotecting your children from toxic chemicals has been not just nullified, but made illegal!
Furthermore, the whole universe of natural cancer cures that really work has been sidelined by this Minnesota judge who is, no doubt, completely ignorant on cancer and human physiology. All these were utterly ignored: Vitamin D (http://www.naturalnews.com/008567.html), selenium, oxygen therapy, medicinal mushrooms, microalgae, Amazon rainforest herbs, Chinese Medicine herbs, high-dose vitamin C, raw foods juicing, wild foods extracts, superfood powders, raw cacao, broccoli sprouts and a thousand other things that we know help the body reverse various cancers.
All these things were apparently thrown out of the courtroom and almost certainly disparaged by drug-pushing doctors who claim that only their own chemicals can treat this disease.
Can you imagine the arrogance of that position? Of all the hundreds of different systems of medicine in our world, with tens of thousands of identified medicinal plant species growing on our planet, with the knowledge and wisdom of over 5,000 years of natural medicine being used across nearly every continent, modern doctors insist there is but one approach to cancer that has any value whatsoever: Chemotherapy. And they believe it so strongly, that they will argue for the arrest and imprisonment of parents who disagree with them.
This is the point at which medicine crosses over the line of anything scientific and becomes a dangerous form of dogma known as "scientism."
Modern medicine is not a scientific debate, folks. It's a system of control. Doctors, judges and courtrooms are simply tools of oppression to manipulate, poison and exploit a diseased population, all while isolating them from the natural cures that really work.
And the people causing this to happen are, in every conceivable way, guilty of mass murder. To deny the population access to accurate information about natural cancer remedies that really work -- and to threaten to imprison those who attempt to protect their children from the harm caused by poisonous chemicals -- is essentially an act of murder. It's not quite the same as putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger, but it's close: Dead is dead, whether they were killed by a bullet or an injection.
It is especially educational to realize that most oncologists refuse to submit to chemotherapy themselves. When cancer doctors get cancer, they avoid chemotherapy as any sensible person would. But they have no hesitation about injecting the poisons into the bodies of other people, including innocent 13-year-old boys who will almost certainly be harmed or even killed by the treatment.
Chemotherapy causes permanent brain damage. It's an undisputed scientific fact. It's called "chemo-brain." (http://www.naturalnews.com/020665.html)
Chemotherapy also causes heart damage and kidney damage. If you want to kill someone, an easy way to accomplish that would be to inject them with chemotherapy chemicals. But if you want to protect someone from danger, it would be far smarter to avoid chemotherapy altogether, and seek natural remedies that really work.
What works? Lots of things. Medicinal mushrooms (www.MushroomScience.com) are extremely powerful anti-cancer medicines. So is spirulina (www.Nutrex-Hawaii.com) and chlorella. Trace minerals are anti-cancer, as is aloe vera (www.GoodCauseWellness.com).
Cancer can also be beat with the help of superfoods (www.IntegratedHealth.com), berries (www.FruitFast.com), cruciferous vegetables, sprouts (www.TheRawFoodWorld.com) and even resveratrol (www.Vitacost.com). Eating spinach from your own garden is anti-cancer. The Amazon Herb Company sells numerous Amazon rainforest herbs that are naturally anti-cancer, and vitamin D all by itself can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers (http://www.naturalnews.com/021892.html).
There is no shortage of cancer cures in our world. There is only a shortage of intelligence among court judges, doctors and CPS personnel who have allowed themselves to remain dangerously ignorant of the cancer treatments offered by Mother Nature.
When will the world wake up and figure out the obvious here?
Cancer is not caused by a poison deficiency. And poisoning the body while calling it "treatment" is a prime example of extreme intellectual dishonesty on the part of oncologists and Big Pharma pill pushers who, at the very least, are responsible for the deaths of perhaps half a million people a year worldwide.
By any honest mathematical analysis, cancer doctors are orders of magnitude more dangerous to our world than all the terrorists, ocean pirates and serial killers combined. And now, with the help of ignorant court judges, they have outlawed NOT using their own brand of poison.
It's sick beyond imagination. It's a crime against humanity, and I can only pray that one day the people responsible for the deaths of all these children being poisoned by chemotherapy will face their own court trials for mass murder...
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