Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homeopathic Vaccines

What Are Homeopathic Immunizations?
Homeopathic Immunizations are usually made from disease material, also known as a nosode. The disease material is then prepared in a homeopathic manner in order to render it completely safe and non-toxic. Learn more about How Homeopathic Medicines are Prepared.
Do Homeopathic Vaccines/Immunizations Contain Toxins or Additives?
No, they do not. The disease material, which is the starting ingredient, is rendered completely safe after a long series of dilutions and succussions (which is the way all homeopathics are made). No other additives or preservatives are used.

Where are Homeopathic Immunizations Made?
Homeopathic Immunizations are always made in a reputable homeopathic pharmacy.

How are Homeopathic Immunizations Administered?
 Homeopathic Immunizations are administered by mouth and come in sugar pellet form. The pellets are the size of poppy seeds. Due to their pleasant taste and small size, they are easy to administer. They will dissolve easily in an infant’s mouth without danger of choking.

How do Homeopathic Immunizations Work?
The concept behind homeopathic immunizations is similar to the concept behind regular vaccinations. With regular vaccinations, a small amount of the disease matter is administered by injection. The dose of the injected disease matter is mild enough to avoid actual infection, but strong enough to produce antibodies so that if the body comes across the disease later in life, the immune system is equipped to fight it off.

With a homeopathic immunization, after it is administered, this very minute dose of homeopathically prepared disease material is recognized by the body so that when the person comes across the disease later in life, the body is equipped to fight it off.

Homeopaths believe that the reason that regular vaccinations are so effective is that they work according to one of the basic principles of homeopathy: The law of similars, or like cures like. Homeopathic medicines are always prescribed based on similarity to the symptoms that need to be cured. Homeopathy means “similar medicine.” Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, discovered the law of similars over 200 years ago: those same symptoms a particular medicine produces in a healthy person can thus be cured in a sick person.
Homeopathic vaccines take the law of similars a logical step further: like not only treats like; like also prevents like.

When Were Homeopathic Vaccines First Discovered?
Homeopathic Vaccines have been around just as long as regular vaccines have been around. They were first used successfully by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, in 1799 to prevent scarlet fever. Read more about the History of Homeopathic Immunizations.

How Effective are Homeopathic Vaccines?
According to a 15 year study done on 2342 children by renowned homeopathic immunization expert Dr. Isaac Golden, the effectiveness of homeopathic vaccinations is 90%. This means that they are just as effective or even more effective than regular vaccines.

What Scientific Studies have been done on Homeopathic Vaccines?
There have been a number of large scale studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathic immunizations. For further details, see Scientific Studies and Research.

How Successful are Homeopathic Immunizations During Epidemic Outbreaks?
Homeopathy has been used successfully for hundreds of years in many different countries during epidemic outbreaks. For example, for the last few years, homeopathic immunizations have been used successfully on millions of people in Cuba to prevent the tropical disease Leptospirosis. In Brazil, homeopathic immunizations were used successfully on thousands of people to prevent Meningitis.

Read full article and learn more here.