Bee Pollen Age Reversal: Real World Evidence
It seems that North American scientists don't have much interest in bee pollen age reversal properties and as such, haven't studied pollen potential in this area. Doctors in Europe and Russia have completed most of the research.Dr. Lars-Erik Essen, M.D., of Halsinborg, Sweden, says: “Bee pollen exerts a profound biological effect. It seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells .”
Naum Loyrish, Chief of the former Soviet Academy of Vladivostok reports, “Long lives are attained by bee pollen users. It is one of the original treasure houses of nutrition and medicine. Each grain contains every important substance necessary to life.”
Read full article here.
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