Monday, May 2, 2011

Eczema Update

My daughter had her worse eczema outbreak in February. It started below her lip and spread around her mouth and then onto her cheeks,and her right eyelid. She also had it on the fold of both arms and it spread up her arms and on her neck. I have tried so many different products and she is taking supplements and is on a strict diet. She has shown a lot of improvement although her skin has not totally healed.

I have run out of most of the oils I purchased and recently decided to make my own. I am so glad I did because it is working. Did you read that correctly, it works! It is actually working to help restore her skin and heal the dry itchy patches that she has on her face, neck, and arms. I have to apply it often but it works. And it smells good. Here is my recipe:


Coconut Oil- 
3 tbsp
Castor Oil 
1 tbsp
Full Spectrum Vitamin E
2 capsules
Evening Primerose Oil
2 capsules
Olive Oil
1 tbsp
Manuka Honey
1 tsp
Bees Wax
I used a little less then a quarter of an ounce.
Lavender Oil
1-2 drops

Pour water into a small pot and bring it to a boil. Place small 4oz glass or metal jar into pot and add beeswax first. Once the beeswax is melted add all your other ingredients. You will have to cut open the capsules or poke a hole in them with a small pin to get the oil out. DO NOT put the whole capsule in the jar, just the oils. Mix well with a butter knife or spoon, with what ever you choose, be sure not to reuse it because you will not be able to get all of the beeswax off. Once mixed remove from heat source. CAUTION the jar will be extremely hot. I put the pot right into the refrigerator. Once it cooled I took the jar out of the pot and left it in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes. Once it solidifies you can remove it. It should be thick and smooth, not hard. If it comes out too hard then you might have added too much bees wax. If any of you try it let me know how it works.

I added a small amount of baby massage oil that I have. I added it because it smells fabulous. I purchased it from terressentials.
The massage oil has organic sunflower and jojoba oils infused with organic calendula and chamomile.I added about 1 tsp.

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