(NaturalNews) "You are what you eat." A once universal theme of awareness has become all but lost to us when it comes to improving our children's eating habits. I fondly remember my first grade teacher, Mrs. Hooks, warmly walking down each row of desks passing out snacks. It was the time of the day every one looked forward to. As usual I would play with my two quarters, rolling them on my desk anxious to choose my usual chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookie. To my surprise as she lowered the tray, there was only apple and pear slices and grape juice. I asked her where the cookies and milk were as I clinched my quarters in my hand for safe keeping. She smiled and said, "We have to be careful what we eat. Cookies taste good but are not meant to be eaten all the time." I frowned and place my quarters in my pocket. She placed the plate of fruit and juice on my desk recognizing my defiance and said, "If you want to be healthy and strong, you have to eat healthy and strong foods. Remember, you are what you eat."
Read the full article by Roosevelt Pitt here.
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