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As clear-thinking people, natural health consumers sometimes look at the actions of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and wonder what planet its decision makers seem to be from. It's like the FDA is living in a completely different world than the rest of us -- a world where nutrients are dangerous, but synthetic chemicals are perfectly safe for human consumption.
In fact, the idea that FDA bureaucrats and modern medicine promoters are living in a different reality is not far from the truth. I my view, FDA decision makers have no connection with reality. They're simply operating on a system of false beliefs and circular reasoning that justifies their efforts to protect Big Pharma profits by exploiting, misleading and directly harming the public.
Have you ever wondered what rules and beliefs actually drive FDA decisions in that alternate reality? As a service to NaturalNews readers, I've assembled a few in this article. These are the rules that define the dogma of modern "scientific" medicine and pharmacology marketing. These rules are followed by FDA bureucrats, drug company executives, psychiatrists, doctors, hospitals and everyone who's currently profiting from the failed system of medicine operating in the United States today.
These rules, by the way, are no joke. This is not a satire piece. This is a serious exploration of the beliefs under which much of modern medical science operates today. Once you read these and understand just how deeply they are embedded in the minds and actions of conventional medicine operatives today, you'll realize the magnitude of the medical collapse (and the related population collapse) that now awaits modern civilization. There is nothing in these rules that respects life, nature, compassion or humility. It's all about the power of man over nature, arrogance, control, exploitation and self delusion.
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