Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cleaning house and Getting Organized

The first thing you have to do is decide on what you want and know you are going to put to use and decide on what you want to get rid of, donate, or sell. Most people want to make money by selling their stuff but if you are having a hard time selling something donate it. I know it is hard to part with certain things, especially clothes that you have told yourself over and over again that one day you are going to fit into or wear and now it is going on five years and it is still in your closet, drawer, or storage bin. Get rid of it. Rule of thumb if it has been more than two years since you have worn it or seen it chances are you may never wear it, besides someone else may get some good use out of it. I have read elsewhere to give it away after six months. I personally think that is too soon. 

Get in the habit of cleaning as you go. This is very important. I too have been overwhelmed when I let things go. When I was pregnant with my fourth child  I was so tired and sick. I was not motivated to do anything. Laundry started to pile up and things started to get unorganized and one day I told myself that I refused to let myself go and my house go and I got up and started cleaning and as I did more I was motivated to keep going. Yes, there will be times you are going to be tired and unmotivated but do not make this a habit. Do not wait until after supper to do the day’s dishes or household chores. It can seem overwhelming, especially if you have food stuck on everything or your house looks like a Tsunami of toys, love letters to mommy, and art projects blew through your house from the kids. If you are not in the mood to do a load of dishes at least rinse all of them thoroughly and set them aside in a neat pile. Believe me, it makes it much easier to do them when they are rinsed and neatly set aside. There are times I am too tired or may put off doing the dishes right away and my husband will rinse them and set them aside. And yes ladies he does do the dishes, not that he has too but he does help out which is a real blessing. He helps out quite often and I am very grateful for the time that he takes to make things easier.

My kids also have their share of responsibilities. I have four kids and they range from 14 months to eight. My oldest helps out with dishes, wiping the counters and cabinets, cleaning the table and sometimes does laundry. She also likes to help cook. She throws out the trash in the bathroom and makes sure that the toiletries are replenished. She makes her bed each morning and makes sure her room is clean. Some times she helps with the laundry and puts it away. She hangs up her clothes and makes sure things are neat and tidy. My five year old makes her bed each morning and helps to keep the room clean and helps me around the house. She is now helping my oldest daughter with some of her chores and has the responsibility of making sure all the shoes are in order and in their proper place. My four year old son cleans his room and makes his bed. He helps out in the kitchen by wiping the table down and sometimes sweeps the floor. My youngest is busy exploring the house and lately has been climbing onto as much as he possibly can.  He is exercising his little legs and giving me a workout in the process. He is not doing any chores yet but now is the time to start. Start small. I may have him pick up a few toys and put them away or put some books on the shelf. You have to start somewhere. Kids like responsibility. They love being a part and knowing that you appreciate them and value their time and time together. Make it fun and worth their while. Reward them and tell them you appreciate them and and love them by what you do and not just words. Love is an action.

Buy organizers or shelves and utilize your space wisely. You can always store items not being used, like winter clothes, coats, and quilts away in a closet or beneath the bed, provided that you have the space, which you will if you get rid of what you do not need. Buy an ottoman with a storage compartment and use it to put shoes in. I keep my kids shoes in one near the front door. Another space saver and good way to help you get organized is to customize your closet space. I never understood why closets have just one pole in it. All that wasted space. They should at least add two poles with some shelves. You can always buy shelves. They do not have to be expensive or even new. Buy them used and paint or refinish them. Add a liner and some baskets and you will love them. Get creative and you can make your home and personal space look beautiful. Also, you can add hooks for your purses and scarves. If you happen to have ugly closet doors, paint them or remove them and put a nice curtain or beads or whatever you want. It is your space. Make the most with it. If you do not have any ideas go online. There is so much information at your finger tips. 

And last but not least, stay motivated. Try not to be supermom/woman and do everything on your own. It is important to get the kids involved. They will thank you for it. It will pay off when they are older.
I remember I had the responsibility of cleaning the kitchen and bathroom along with my sister when I was eight. I also did my own laundry. My room was always clean and my clothes had to be neat. I did not always care and there were many times I did not want to do my chores. Now that I am an adult I am so thankful that I know how to keep my house clean and organized.  

Before I close out this post I want to note that when delegating certain tasks to your kids make sure you teach them about sanitation and how to clean. For instance when cleaning a toilet use gloves and a toilet brush, not your bare hands. I say this because when I grew up and into my teenage years I used my bare hands because I was not taught. I also wasn’t taught about proper ventilation. Certain commercial cleaning products emit toxic fumes so you need to open a window and turn the exhaust fan on so that you are not inhaling all of the fumes. I nearly fainted once from inhaling fumes from a cleaning product. I now make my own and need not worry about toxic fumes. By making your own and using natural ingredients it is cost effective and better for the environment and you need not worry about the kids getting hurt or ingesting any of the toxic fumes. I know some of you may be thinking that common sense will tell you but some people do not know. I did not. I wish I had.

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