Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Science Fiction Horror Story

Which word in the title is erroneous: Science—Fiction—Horror—Story? It’s the word fiction. The food you eat is no longer the food God made for the human body.

Evolutionary scientists have irreversibly changed the DNA of plant, animal, and human cells. They are uncreating God’s creation, rendering staple foods unfit for human or animal consumption.
I recently read two books, and the following article contains quotes from those books (indicated by quotation marks), with some of my own observations. You need to buy and read both of them: Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey Smith. The converging lines of evidence in these books indicate conclusively that genetically modified (GM) crops are inherently dangerous and may be responsible for the unfolding health disaster in the U.S.A.

All living organisms, whether plant or animal or human, are constructed of cells. Each cell contains the entire DNA chain of information that constitutes an organism―what it is―and differentiates it from all others. Each cell is made of billions of atoms, intelligently designed and arranged to contain and dispense complex information that assures the function, adaptation, survival, and procreation of the species.

Genetic engineering is the process of artificially tampering with these God-given, natural genetic blueprints. Genetic engineering (or bio-engineering) is a technique to splice, delete, add, isolate, and recombine or transfer genes from one organism to another that may be totally unrelated. Alteration of genes and chromosomes causes disruption and disturbance in the biochemical structure of species (plant or animal) and can result in species mutation.

“The discovery in the mid-1970s that scientists could transfer genes from the DNA of one species into that of another was heralded as a major scientific breakthrough. Plants, animals, and other organisms could now become equipped with genes that could never occur naturally and exhibit traits not previously found in their species or even their kingdom.

“Scientists have since worked on some interesting combinations. Spider genes were inserted into goat DNA, in hopes that the goat milk could contain spider web protein for use in bulletproof vests. Cow genes turned pigskin into cowhides. Jellyfish genes lit up pigs’ noses in the dark. Arctic fish genes gave tomatoes and strawberries tolerance to frost. Potatoes glowed in the dark when thirsty. Human genes were inserted into corn to produce spermatocides.

“The single dominant GM trait is herbicide tolerance. Crops are engineered to survive an otherwise toxic dose of weed killer.

“The second popular GM trait is a built-in pesticide. The plant produces pesticidal toxins in every cell. Monarch butterflies are killed when feeding on the corn. If a plant kills bugs, do you want to breathe its pollen, eat honey made from its nectar, or ingest the plant?

“Virtually an entire Filipino village of about 100 people living adjacent to a large field of Bt corn [genetically altered to produce a toxin that kills bugs] were stricken by a disease. The symptoms, which appeared at the time the corn was producing airborne pollen, included headaches, dizziness, extreme stomach pain, vomiting, chest pains, fever, and allergies, as well as respirator, intestinal, and skin reactions. Many if not all of the villagers exposed to the GM-maize pollen in 2003 have remained ill to this day. Furthermore, there have been five unexplained deaths in the village. In total, 96 people got sick. In addition, nine horses, four water buffalo, and 37 chickens died soon after feeding on the GM maize.”

The increase in the number of people afflicted with chronic diseases in the United States roughly corresponds to the period when Americans began eating GM foods.
Proponents of creating Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) try to sell us the lie that what they are doing is just hybridization by a different method. Not so. Genetic engineering is not in any way similar to hybrid plants or selective breeding. “Plant breeders have worked with this system (selective breeding of plants) for thousands of years, selecting parents with desired characteristics, such as yield and disease resistance, in the hope that the offspring expresses both. With genetic engineering, however, a single gene is removed from the DNA of one organism and forcibly inserted into another. This doesn’t happen naturally.

“A pig can mate with a pig and a tomato can mate with a tomato. But there is no way a pig can mate with a tomato. Using genetic engineering, however, pig genes can be inserted into a tomato and vice versa.” This transfer of genes across the natural barriers established by God at creation is an arrogant and reckless confusion of nature. It is introducing chaos into perfect order.

“Another problem is that inserted genes may transfer from food into gut bacteria or internal organs. Animal studies demonstrate that ingested DNA can travel through the body, even into the fetus via the placenta. Trans-genes from GM crops fed to animals have been found in their blood, liver, spleen, and kidneys. The only published human feeding trial on GM food verified that genetic material inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of our intestinal bacteria.”

Manufacturers of genetically modified organisms assure us that the genetically modified cells are destroyed in the stomach when eaten and cannot be transferred to the host. However, Sidney Pierce spent 20 years studying the green sea slug that eats algae and somehow transfers the plant genes into its body. The slug then possesses the algae’s ability to produce chlorophyll from sunlight—a universal trait of plants but not of animals. The young slugs must eat algae until they accumulate enough of its genes to begin manifesting the plants’ ability to convert sunlight into energy. The slug can then be sustained on sunlight alone, like a plant, without further eating. Pierce says, “It certainly is possible that DNA from one species can get into another species, as these slugs have clearly shown, but the mechanisms are still unknown.”

Scientists have discovered genetically modified cells present in the organs of animals fed GM food. Corrupted DNA never becomes uncorrupted. It is passed on to future generations.
“Lab animals tested with GM foods had stunted growth, impaired immune systems, bleeding stomachs, abnormal and potentially precancerous cell growth in the intestines, impaired blood cell development, misshapen cell structures in the liver, pancreas, and testicles ... alerted gene expression and cell metabolism, liver and kidney lesions, partially atrophied livers, inflamed kidneys, less developed brains and testicles, enlarged livers, pancreases, and intestines, reduced digestive enzymes, high blood sugar, inflamed lung tissue, increased death rates, and higher offspring mortality. About two dozen farmers report that GM corn varieties caused their pigs or cows to become sterile. 71 shepherds say that 25% of their sheep died from grazing on Bt cotton plants (altered to be toxic to bugs), and others say that cows, water buffaloes, chickens, and horses also died from eating GM crops. Filipinos in at least five villages fell sick when nearby Bt corn was pollinating, and hundreds of laborers in India report allergic reaction from handling Bt cotton. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the United Kingdom soon after genetically engineered soy was introduced; and one human subject out of the few tested showed a skin prick, allergic-type reaction to GM soy, but not to natural soy. In the 1980s, a GM food supplement killed about one hundred Americans and caused sickness and disability in another five to ten thousand people.”

Genetically altered soy, corn, cotton, and canola and their derivatives are found in 70% of all processed foods. If you have ever eaten a corn chip, corn flakes, or a tortilla, you have eaten GM organisms.

Tomatoes were genetically engineered to have a shelf life of months instead of just days. Great for farmers, right? Except that when they fed laboratory rats a diet of GM tomatoes, many of them quickly developed lesions in their stomachs, and about a fourth of the rats died within two weeks. The control group of rats fed natural tomatoes did not manifest any of the negative reactions experienced by the GM-fed rats.

By now you might be thinking, “Well, I will just avoid corn, soy, and canola oil, and eat squash and papaya instead.” They are reengineered as well! Do you avoid sugar, relying on artificial sweetener? Aspartame is the product of genetic engineering. Do you ever drink milk or serve it to your children? What about cheese or yogurt? Cows are injected with genetically engineered growth hormones. It so speeds up their milk production that the cows are used up and discarded in about two years. Many farmers testify that twenty-five percent of their herds don’t live that long. They suffer from infections in their udders, making it necessary to constantly inject them with antibiotics. What do those same growth hormones do when ingested by humans? Just examine the statistical rise in breast cancer in the last 20 years.

Eat more chicken? It, too, is injected with GM organisms. As the breasts on chickens get bigger, so do the breasts on young boys eating the chicken, and breast cancer continues to rise.
Wild animals will repeatedly reject the GM crops in preference for natural corn and soy. Deer and elk will walk through a large GM field to get to a small plot of natural corn. If geese, squirrels, rabbits, deer, elk and rats have an aversion for GM crops, should humans eat them? What do the animals know that we don’t?

Read the full article by Michael Pearl here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eczema Update

My daughter had her worse eczema outbreak in February. It started below her lip and spread around her mouth and then onto her cheeks,and her right eyelid. She also had it on the fold of both arms and it spread up her arms and on her neck. I have tried so many different products and she is taking supplements and is on a strict diet. She has shown a lot of improvement although her skin has not totally healed.

I have run out of most of the oils I purchased and recently decided to make my own. I am so glad I did because it is working. Did you read that correctly, it works! It is actually working to help restore her skin and heal the dry itchy patches that she has on her face, neck, and arms. I have to apply it often but it works. And it smells good. Here is my recipe:


Coconut Oil- 
3 tbsp
Castor Oil 
1 tbsp
Full Spectrum Vitamin E
2 capsules
Evening Primerose Oil
2 capsules
Olive Oil
1 tbsp
Manuka Honey
1 tsp
Bees Wax
I used a little less then a quarter of an ounce.
Lavender Oil
1-2 drops

Pour water into a small pot and bring it to a boil. Place small 4oz glass or metal jar into pot and add beeswax first. Once the beeswax is melted add all your other ingredients. You will have to cut open the capsules or poke a hole in them with a small pin to get the oil out. DO NOT put the whole capsule in the jar, just the oils. Mix well with a butter knife or spoon, with what ever you choose, be sure not to reuse it because you will not be able to get all of the beeswax off. Once mixed remove from heat source. CAUTION the jar will be extremely hot. I put the pot right into the refrigerator. Once it cooled I took the jar out of the pot and left it in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes. Once it solidifies you can remove it. It should be thick and smooth, not hard. If it comes out too hard then you might have added too much bees wax. If any of you try it let me know how it works.

I added a small amount of baby massage oil that I have. I added it because it smells fabulous. I purchased it from terressentials.
The massage oil has organic sunflower and jojoba oils infused with organic calendula and chamomile.I added about 1 tsp.