NOTICE: Dr. Simoncini's book is now available in English!!
Order Dr. Simoncini's Book Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy
Dr. Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment For Cancer (NaHCO3)
Very Important Note
This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. During the first week no more than two teaspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. During the second and third week no more than one teaspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded.
For skin cancers and other external cancers (including a rectal enema), where the baking soda solution comes into direct contact with the cancer, this restriction does not apply.
About the Simoncini Protocol
Did you know that the AVERAGE orthodox cancer treatment costs $350,000? This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments!
This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate.
This treatment is primarily used for cancer of the digestive tract, including cancers of the throat, colon, intestines, rectal area, and other cancers in between.
Cancers outside of the digestive tract generally need a health practitioner to inject the baking soda solution.
This web page is an interesting interview with Dr. Simoncini himself:
Also, see this video of an interview with Dr. Simoncini (high speed internet required):
Dr. Simoncini Internew
For more details about his treatment see this website:
Simoncini Protocol (Baking Soda)
Use Dr. Simoncini's book for any treatment using this protocol.
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