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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Bowel problems can cause nutritional deficiency, regardless of how good your diet is or how many vitamins you take. A poor diet creates sticky fecal matter. When there is not proper elimination, deposits of fecal matter build up along the wall of the colon or in the pockets of the colon. That's why even a mild case of constipation is a serious problem. Normally, the body pushes wastes out of your colon in eighteen to twenty-four hours. However, when you're not eliminating properly, these wastes may not leave for days. Usually the material deposits along your colon walls, it may not leave for months or years. These deposits of fecal matter in the colon get irritated. This may lead to a spastic or inflamed colon, conditions that interfere even more with nutrient absorption and also with proper bowel function. The feces that remain in one's system begin to decay, releasing toxins and poisonous gases that seep out into the blood and poison all the organs and tissues. The blood stream itself gets polluted, preventing it from removing the cells' wastes. So the whole system is poisoned by wastes.
Read the full article on Colon Health here.
Find out about Coffee Enemas and where to buy a kit.
Many people believe that colds and flu are caused by bacteria, but this is simply incorrect. Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and using antibiotics to treat a viral infection is inappropriate and completely ineffective.
Viruses are orders of magnitude smaller than bacteria and have entirely different structures that make antibiotics useless. (Occasionally antibiotics are required if there is a secondary bacterial sinus infection or bronchitis/pneumonia, but this is the rare exception.)
It is also important to recognize that, although a virus triggers your cold or flu symptoms, it is not the real cause of the illness.
So, what is the real cause of colds and flu?
My simple and short answer has always been that it’s due to an impaired immune system. That’s still true. However, research has confirmed that “catching” colds and flu may be a symptom of an underlying vitamin D deficiency! Less than optimal vitamin D levels will significantly impair your immune response and make you far more susceptible to contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory infections.
Although there are many ways you might end up with a weakened immune system, the more common contributing factors are:
Read the full article my Joseph Mercola here.
- Vitamin D deficiency, as previously mentioned
- Eating too much sugar and too many grains
- Not getting enough sleep
- Insufficient exercise
- Inadequately managing emotional stressors in your life
- Any combination of the above
- According to macrobiotic.co.uk – one of the biggest health benefits of juicing can be summarised in one phrase: cellular cleansing. According to Steve Meyerowitz (the Sprout Man!) all changes to a persons health should start at a cellular level by oxygenating and cleansing the system of toxins and other damaging foreign invaders. This is known as creating and enhancing health and fitness from the inside out. The cellular environment is the environment where all of the cells in our body live, including the lymphatic system, digestive system, and cardiovascular system. This could be a whole article in itself, however, it is important to remember that fresh vegetable juices are massively beneficial to the body’s efforts to cleanse its cellular environment.
- Raw, fresh vegetable juices are extremely alkaline. We have several other articles on the importance of alkalising your body, however, very briefly – it is highly beneficial to ensure that your body does not become over-acidic and that an alkaline balance is maintained in the blood & tissues. Over acidification is the common theme and cause of almost all conditions of ill health!
- As mentioned, raw vegetable juices/ green drinks are an excellent source of vitamins & minerals, trace elements, enzymes and nutrients which supply essential elements required for the body’s healing processes and cell regeneration.
- Vegetable juices are rich in natural medicines, vegetal hormones & antibiotics. For instance, certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber & onion juices and freshly juiced garlic, onions, radish & tomatoes contain many beneficial antibiotic substances.
- Easily absorbed organic minerals such as calcium, potassium & silicon are contained within fresh vegetable juice. These minerals assist the body in restoring the biochemical & mineral balance in the tissues & cells, which helps to prevent the premature aging of cells & disease.
This list could easily go on and on…but I don’t think that it needs to – isn’t this reason enough to start juicing!?