Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
How to slash national health care costs by 90% through education, nutrition, and a ban on junk food marketing

Want a real solution to skyrocketing health care costs? Forget about all the so-called "cost saving" schemes dreamed up by politicians, drug companies and HMOs. All they do is create new levels of bureaucracy that don't address the real problems of why health care costs are so high in the first place. In this article, we'll look at how to fundamentally cut health care costs by 90% nationwide -- while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life for all Americans -- through a program of education and disease prevention that starts with changing the way doctors are educated.
I find it absolutely appalling if not downright ridiculous that the people in our country who are responsible for health don't understand the fundamentals of nutrition. That med schools don't teach nutrition is I think one of the strongest statements yet about the sad state of conventional medicine. These people need to be taught nutrition.
It was Hippocrates himself who said, "Let thy food be thy medicine." And in fact, the history of medicine is steeped in the use of plants for health and healing. The very word pharmaceutical means "medicine from plants." And yet today, conventional medicine has not only ignored plants and nutrition, it has actively sought to discredit it. This is one reason why, in my mind, physicians have little or no credibility whatsoever when talking about health and disease prevention. They are, technically, ignorant. Dr. Andrew Weil, author of Spontaneous Healing and many other books on health and healing, even calls conventional doctors, "nutritionally illiterate."
Read full article by Mike Adams here.
Why swine flu vaccines just don't add up: Doing the (fuzzy) math

(NaturalNews) Here's a seventh grade word problem for you: If swine flu has infected one million people and killed 500, how many people might be expected to die if it infects 150 million people (assuming no major changes in the virus)? The correct answer, of course, is 75,000 people, and that's within the range of the number of swine flu deaths now being publicly predicted by the White House.
But there's another part to this word problem: How many vaccine shots and hand washings does it take to boost vitamin D levels in the average person?
The question, of course, makes no sense. Vaccine shots don't boost vitamin D levels any more than eating pork infects you with swine flu. So why is the official advice on swine flu protection essentially limited to "wash your hands, get your vaccine shot and cough into your elbow?" (Seriously. I'm not making this up.)
The Associated Press has distilled swine flu advice to "10 things you need to know." None of those ten things include boosting your nutrition, getting more vitamin D or taking anti-viral medicinal herbs. They do, however, include hilarious explanations like "If you develop breathing problems, pain in your chest, constant vomiting or a fever that keeps rising, go to an emergency room."
Read the full articleby Mike Adams here.
One Hour FREE Vitamin D Lecture to Clear Up All Your Confusion on this Vital Nutrient
By Dr. Mercola
Vitamin D deficiency is pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important nutrient.
The video above may be one of the most important videos for you and your family's health this year.
I urge you to find some time to view it so you can understand the nearly unbelievable benefits you will receive by understanding this vital nutrient.
In the second video, you will learn some important facts about sun exposure, as tanning incorrectly may indeed increase your risk of skin cancer...
For those of you who prefer to read your information, rather than watch it, I've summarized some of the most important points below.
But, again, please do take the time to watch the video lecture, as it has all the highly valuable details you need to know about vitamin D.
The Role of Vitamin D in Your Body
There are only about 30,000 genes in your body and vitamin D has been shown to influence about 3,000 of them.
That is one of the primary reasons it influences so many diseases, from cancer and autism to heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.
Vitamin D isn't actually a vitamin, although scientists refer to it as such.
It's actually a steroid hormone that you get from sun exposure, food sources and/or supplementation.
The term refers to either vitamin D2 or D3, but D3 (chemical name 25-hydroxy vitamin D) is real vitamin D—it's the same substance produced naturally through your skin by sun exposure. Older research appears at odds on whether your body cares which form of D it's getting, but a study in the January 2011 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that D3 is 87 percent more effective than D2, and is the preferred form for treating vitamin D deficiency.
Watch the full video or read the full article here.
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